If you have received an email that seems suspicious and have submitted a helpdesk ticket, we appreciate your caution.  Submitting a ticket helps the IT team identify email threats quickly so we can take any necessary precautions to prevent security breaches.  Be aware that you may not receive an immediate individual response from IT, as we may need to prioritize investigating the suspicious email for possible threats.

Straight away, we need to know if you clicked any links, downloaded or opened any attachments, entered any usernames or passwords, or provided any sensitive information in response to a suspicious email.  If you have, please be upfront and honest with IT so we can quickly take action to limit potential damage.  Please contact a member of IT immediately on Teams or by phone at 913-827-4050.  We are not focused on pointing fingers nor assigning blame.  Our data and network security are the priority.

If an email from a customer or business partner seems suspicious, please refrain from clicking any included links or opening any attachments.  IT can help you assess the legitimacy of suspicious emails and provide guidance.  You could also try contacting the sender via a phone call to verify the legitimacy of the message.

Thank you for your diligence and cooperation.  Email attacks continue to be the main threat to data and network security.  Your caution is the best defense we have.